Hi Birders,
In NSW in 2002 there were 75 pairs of nesting Ospreys between Lake
Macquarie and the Queensland border. About 14 pairs of which nested on
artificial structures constructed for that purpose, usually by NPWS or the
local electricity authorities.
The nesting of the Ospreys at Narrabeen Lagoon reported by Bruce Cox is of
interested because it is the first breeding record for the Sydney Region,
and the most furthest south in NSW. The most southern nesting effort prior
to this was at Kincumber meadows, Brisbane Water on the Central Coast in
1995 but this attempt failed. The next most southern pair is at Wood Point,
Lake Macquarie where they have been nesting now for a number of years. In
the mid 1990s another pair nested near the Eraring Power Sation on Lake
Macquarie, but then there was a gap for 4-5 years before the nesting at Wood
Point commenced.
North from Lake Macquarie, there is a gap of about 100 km before reaching
Port Stephens where there are several nesting pairs.
Pairs are often reported from the South Coast and from the Northern
Tablelands but as yet no nests have been found.
Alan Morris
NSW Annual Bird Report
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