Hi All,
Many of you may have desired (....as we have, frequently) to take a
birding trip to Irian Jaya/New Guinea to see Birds of Paradise and other
numerous avian delights of this poorly-known part of the world,
especially after seeing the fantastic documentary by Sir David
Attenborough "Attenborough in Paradise"
Recently one of the principal contributors to the making of this program
and one of the regions most respected birders, Kris Tindige is currently
in Brisbane for treatment after being diagnosed with a serious neck cancer.
Kris has been travelling to Sulawesi and Jakarta since October in search
of medical advice and treatment. Fortunately he kept in touch with some
of his friends in the US, Holland and the UK and it became evident to
them that he urgently needs further treatment and financial help.
In early February a small task force has emerged and organised
fundraising which has seen Kris arrive in Australia in April to find
the best possible place for his further treatment.
The following is an excerpt taken from an update on Kris' progress,
interested readers may wish to read further about how they may join in
to help:
Tom and Marie Tarrant
Samsonvale Qld
The results of extensive and intrusive tests on tissue taken from Kris'
neck and throat have finally provided an accurate diagnosis and
indicated required treatment. Happily, we are also able to report that
they reveal positive progress, real hope and a cause for optimism.
We now know what the future holds and what it requires, and this is
simply an appeal to all of you to continue with your support. We have a
good chance of achieving a complete recovery, of the restoration of
Kris' health, and of his return to his homeland where he is among the
few who can continue the fight for the protection of the environment
that we all consider so valuable.
Indonesia has few like him who are prepared to stand up and be counted,
and who are willing to continue in opposition to the wanton and
wholesale daily and continuing destruction of the forests. I learn from
Kris in conversation only a couple of days ago of the road now driven
through the Arfak Mountains under the smoke screen of the provision of
facilities and services to remote villages, and of the continued felling
of the forest on south coast the beautiful island of Waigeo to provide
for the establishment and construction of a new township. Indonesia in
general, and Papua in particular cannot afford to be without men like
Kris. Neither can we.
This appeal is for the further donation of anything that you are able to
afford. It is also to ask you if you are able and willing to extend the
range of our appeal to others you may know who might also be willing to
We are keen to expand the "Friends of Kris Tindige" into the corporate
world. Are you able to help with the identification of company or
organisation that might give its support and donation to Kris' health
and to his vital role in the protection of the Papuan environment?
We will be grateful for any donation, and for any information that will
lead to wider support. You also have our assurance that every penny and
every cent will be used in support of Kris' medical and domestic
There are no hidden costs and no unseen expenses. To date, Kris is
responding well to all of the treatment he has received, but hard,
stressful, and sometimes lonely times lie ahead as he undertakes and
endures the next stage in his treatment. He thinks that it is worth it.
We think that it is worth it. We all think that the Papuan environment
deserves it.
Hopefully you do too.
Our thanks to you all.
Ian Tillotson
on behalf of
Richard Noske / Collector Australia
(Senior Lecturer Biology)
School of Science and Primary Industry
Charles Darwin University
Darwin , Northern Territory 0909.
Stewart Metz / Collector USA
(Director Project Bird Watch and
Director Indonesian Parrot Project)
121st Avenue SE
Bellevue, Washington 98006-2827
Walter Huber / Collector Japan and SE Asia
(Professor Anthropology)
English Department
Reitaku University,
Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-8686
Ian Tillotson / Collector UK
(Nature Conservation Consultant)
Ty Coed
Ceredigion SY25 6JF
Johan van den Berg / Collector Europe
Nature Conservation Officer)
Zandweg 73
3233 ES Oostvoorne
If you consider sending us donations, read these six points first please.
It is essential that you send all e-mails regarding donations to at least
TWO collectors:
The collector in your part of the world AND a copy to Johan van den Berg as
our central coordinator. We can thus guarantee a prompt reply and a proper
One of us collectors may be away from his desk for a couple of days.
Let us know how you prefer to send us your donation. Be it a cheque, a
transfer or otherwise, we shall give you the required details.
In most parts of the world transfer fees can be pretty high but Europe is a
favourable exception thanks to the IBAN code.
In general we recommend to send a cheque and advise you to fold it into a
piece of printed stationary before putting it in envelope.
Rest assured that in the event of a surplus of donations at the completion
of this operation, we have retained the information that will allow us to
return donated moneys on a pro rata basis.
Do include in your e-mail any other questions you have and we try to answer
Tom & Marie Tarrant
Samsonvale, Qld 4520
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