List of Species (cont'd)
Dollarbird: Station Creek(11/1), in woodland adjacent to Mt Carbine dam
(11/1, 15/1), Big Mitchell Ck (12/1), Quade Rd (12/1)
Noisy Pitta: Kingfisher Park (10/1), 1 heard at Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
White-throated Tree-creeper: Mt Hypipanee (12/1)
Brown Tree-creeper: Hurricane Station Rd (13/1)
Lovely Fairy-wren: in vegetation behind Wangetti Beach (10/1)
Red-backed Fairy-wren: Abbatoir Swamp (11/1) (14/1), Quade Rd (12/1)
Spotted Pardalote: Station Creek (11/1)
Striated Pardalote: Quade Rd (12/1)
Yellow-throated Scrub-wren: Mt Lewis (14/1)
Large-billed Scrub-wren: Kingfisher Park, 2.5-3.5km up Mt Lewis Rd (11/1),
Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Atherton Scrub-wren: Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Fernwren: one at Mt Lewis (14/1)
Brown Gerygone: Bushy Creek, Mt Lewis Rd (11/1), 2.5-3.5km up Mt Lewis Rd
(11/1), Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Large-billed Gerygone: Mossman River (13/1), Centennial Lakes (16/1)
Fairy Gerygone: on creek downstream from Kingfisher Park (11/1), Big
Mitchell Ck (12/1), ?seen from Mt Molloy pub verandah at sunset (15/1)
White-throated Gerygone: Hurricane Station Rd (13/1)
Mountain Thornbill: heard at Mt Hypipanee (12/1), common at Mt Lewis,
especially in Acacia sp. grove at The Clearing but also on trail (14/1)
Weebill: Quade Rd (12/1), Hurricane Station Rd (13/1)
Little Friarbird: Lake Mitchell (11/1) (15/1), Station Creek (13/1),
MacLeod's River (13/1), Hurricane Station Rd (13/1)
Noisy Friarbird: Station Creek (11/1), in woodland adjacent to Mt Carbine
dam (11/1, 15/1)
Helmeted Friarbird: Centennial Lakes (10/1), Mossman River (13/1)
Blue-faced Honeyeater: Mt Carbine dam (11/1), MacLeod's River (13/1),
Hurricane Station Rd (13/1)
Lewins Honeyeater: Mt Hypipanee (12/1)
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater: Kingfisher Park (most days), Mowbray State
Forest (14/1)
Graceful Honeyeater: Kingfisher Park (most days), Mowbray State Forest
Bridled Honeyeater: Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Yellow Honeyeater: Mangrove boardwalk near Cairns Airport (10/1), Abbatoir
Swamp (11/1) (14/1), Big Mitchell Ck (12/1), Mossman River (13/1),
woodland adjacent to Lake Mitchell (15/1)
Varied Honeyeater: mangrove boardwalk near Cairns Airport (16/1)
White-throated Honeyeater: Station Creek(11/1) (13/1), Abbatoir Swamp
(11/1) (14/1), MacLeod's River (13/1), Mt Carbine Dam (15/1)
White-cheeked Honeyeater: several at Mt Lewis, esp. around acacia grove at
the clearing (14/1)
Eastern Spinebill: a few at Mt Lewis on trail (14/1)
Brown-backed Honeyeater: Yorkeys Knob Lagoon (10/1), one on creek at
Kingfisher Park (10/1), Abbatoir Swamp (11/1) (14/1), Station Creek (13/1)
Macleays Honeyeater: Kingfisher Park (most days), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Dusky Honeyeater: Yorkeys Knob Lagoon (10/1), Kingfisher Park (10/1,
11/1), Mossman River (13/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Scarlet Honeyeater: Station Creek (11/1) (13/1), 1 heard at Mossman River
Brown Honeyeater: Abbatoir Swamp (11/1), Mt Carbine dam (11/1), Hurricane
Station Rd (13/1),
Lemon-bellied Flycatcher: Quade Rd (12/1)
Pale-yellow Robin: Kingfisher Park (most days), 2.5-3.5km up Mt Lewis Rd
(11/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Mangrove Robin (h): one heard, mangrove boardwalk near Cairns Airport (10/1)
White-browed Robin: pair at Big Mitchell Ck (12/1)
Grey-headed Robin: common at Mt Hypipanee (12/1), and also at Mt Lewis (14/1)
Chowchilla: pair at Mt Lewis off trail (14/1)
Grey-crowned Babbler: Quade Rd (12/1), woodland adjacent to Lake Mitchell
Eastern Whipbird: pair at Bushy Creek, Mt Lewis Rd (11/1)
Grey Whistler: Mt Lewis (14/1)
Rufous Whistler: Abbatoir Swamp (11/1)
Grey Shrike-thrush: 1 at Station Ck (11/1)
Little Shrike-thrush: Kingfisher Park, 2.5-3.5km up Mt Lewis Rd (11/1),
Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Bowers Shrike-thrush: Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Black-faced Monarch: Kingfisher Park (most days), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Spectacled Monarch: Kingfisher Park (10/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Pied Monarch: pair at Bushy Creek, Mt Lewis Rd (11/1), Mowbray State
Forest (14/1)
Leaden Flycatcher: Station Creek (11/1) (13/1), Abbatoir Swamp (11/1)
(14/1), Big Mitchell Ck (12/1), Quade Rd (12/1), woodland adjacent to Lake
Mitchell (15/1)
Shining Flycatcher: one female, mangrove boardwalk near Cairns Airport, 2
males and one female, Mossman River (13/1)
Yellow-breasted Boatbill: Kingfisher Park (13/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Magpielark: Cairns Airport (10/1), Hurricane Station Rd (13/1), Lake
Mitchell (15/1)
Willy Wagtail: Abbatoir Swamp (11/1) (14/1), Quade Rd (12/1), Newell Beach
(13/1) Lake Mitchell (15/1)
Rufous Fantail: 2.5-3.5km up Mt Lewis Rd (11/1), Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mt
Lewis (14/1)
Grey Fantail: 2.5-3.5km up Mt Lewis Rd (11/1), Mt Hypipanee (12/1), Mt
Lewis (14/1)
Northern Fantail: one in vegetation behind Wangetti Beach (10/1)
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike: Hurricane Station Rd (13/1)
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike: in vegetation behind Wangetti Beach (10/1),
Station Creek (11/1) (13/1), Abbatoir Swamp (11/1) (14/1), Mossman River
Cicadabird (h): heard at Station Creek (11/1)
Varied Triller: in vegetation behind Wangetti Beach (10/1)
Olive-backed Oriole: Station Creek (11/1), Abbatoir Swamp (11/1) (14/1),
in woodland adjacent to Mt Carbine dam (11/1)
Yellow Oriole: Mangrove boardwalk near Cairns Airport (10/1), Mossman
River (13/1)
Figbird: Centennial Lakes, in vegetation behind Wangetti Beach, Mossman
River (13/1), seen from Mt Molloy pub verandah at sunset (15/1), Cairns
Esplanade (16/1)
White-breasted Woodswallow: cane fields adjacent to Kingfisher Park,
Newell Beach (13/1), farm dam, MacDougall Rd, Julatten (13/1)
Black Butcherbird: Centennial Lakes (10/1), Mossman River (13/1)
Pied Butcherbird: in woodland adjacent to Mt Carbine dam (11/1), woodland
adjacent to Lake Mitchell (15/1)
Grey Butcherbird (h): heard at Big Mitchell Ck (12/1)
Australian Magpie: Cairns Airport, Mt Carbine dam (11/1), Hurricane
Station Rd (13/1), Hurricane Station Rd (13/1), Lake Mitchell (15/1)
Victoria's Riflebird: 1 sub adult male in patchy glossy black with brown
plumage, at Mowbray State Forest (14/1), 1 adult male seen half way up Mt
Lewis Rd to the clearing (14/1)
Spangled Drongo: Centennial Lakes (10/1), Kingfisher Park, MacLeod's River
(13/1), Mowbray State Forest (14/1)
Torresian Crow: Station Creek (11/1)
Apostlebird: near Quade Rd on Hwy (12/1), Hurricane Station Rd (13/1),
roadside near Lake Mitchell (15/1)
Spotted Catbird: Kingfisher Park, Mowbray State Forest (14/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Tooth-billed Bowerbird: Mt Lewis (14/1)
Golden Bowerbird: 1 immature bird at Mt Hypipanee (12/1), heard at Mt
Lewis (14/1)
Great Bowerbird: Mt Molloy School (12/1), several seen from Mt Molloy pub
verandah at sunset (15/1)
Richard's Pippit: In grass adjacent to Cairns Airport carpark (10/1)
Double-barred Finch: at Mt Carbine dam (11/1), Quade Rd (12/1), Lake
Mitchell (15/1)
Red-browed Finch: Kingfisher Park (most days), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Crimson Finch: one female in grass on edge of Cairns Airport with other
finches (10/1), pair at Yorkey's Knob lagoon (16/1)
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin: in grass on edge of Cairns Airport carpark
(10/1), farm dam, MacDougall Rd, Julatten (13/1)
Nutmeg Mannikin: in grass on edge of Cairns Airport carpark (10/1)
Blue-faced Parrot-Finch: one adult male, Mt Lewis (14/1)
House Sparrow: Cairns Airport (10/1), Newell Beach (13/1), Cairns
Esplanade (16/1)
Yellow-bellied Sunbird: Cairns Airport (10/1), Mossman River (13/1), seen
from Mt Molloy pub verandah at sunset (15/1)
Mistletoebird: in vegetation behind Wangetti Beach (10/1), Mowbray State
Forest (14/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Welcome Swallow: Cairns Airport (10/1), Mossman River (13/1), Newell Beach
Barn Swallow: 6 at Newell Beach (13/1)
Fairy Martin: Cairns Airport (10/1), on powerlines near Mossman (13/1)
Golden-headed Cisticola: in cane fields adjacent to Kingfisher Park (10/1),
Silvereye: Mangrove boardwalk near Cairns Airport (10/1), Kingfisher Park,
Mowbray State Forest (14/1), Mt Lewis (14/1)
Metallic Starling: Centennial Lakes (10/1), in vegetation behind Wangetti
Beach, Kingfisher Park, Mossman River (13/1)
Common Mynah: Cairns Airport (10/1), Centennial Lakes (10/1), Yorkeys Knob
Lagoon (10/1), Newell Beach (13/1), Cairns Esplanade (16/1)
Frank Hemmings
John T. Waterhouse Herbarium
School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences
University of New South Wales
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Fax +61 2 9385 1558
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