Dear Birders,
I had the pleasure of attending Bamaga Bird Week, at the tip of Cape York,
from the 5th to the 12th January 2005. This trip was organised by Klaus Unlenhut
and he was ably assisted in running the trip by Lloyd Nielsen and Susie
17 birders flew in to meet Klaus and his colleagues at Bamaga airport and be
transported to Bamaga Resort, a comfortable motel with the luxury of
air-conditioned rooms and, as we were all pleased to find, excellent food.
Mornings started with breakfast at 5:30 for a 6:00 am start, returning at
around 11:30 for lunch at 12:00.Morning trips ranged quite widely
including trips to Lockerbie Scrub for rainforest birds, a trip to Cowal
Creek and the Jardine River for woodland birds, a trip to the tip of Cape York
for waders and a trip to the Woody Islands for a number of specialties found
there. Afternoons typically involved a siesta until 3:30 or 4:00 and
birding until 6:00. Afternoon trips were typically in the reasonably close
surrounds of Bamaga and sought a range of birds from surrounding habitats. An
evening spotlighting trip to Lockerbie Scrub produced a number of owls.
Highlights for me were a Pied Heron swooping down to alight on the edge of
the pond behind the resort; a Red-bellied Pitta emerging from the depths of the
vine scrub and virtually bumping into a Noisy Pitta going in the other
direction; wonderfull views of a Superb Fruit-dove miracculously spotted by
Lloyd in the depths of bush; the Mangrove Robins brought in by a mournfull
downward whistle; regular sightings of the spectacular Palm Cockatoo; the
Buff-breasted Paradise-kingfisher and the Yellow-billed Kingfisher; and last but
not least brief views of the Northern Scrub Robin and of the Magnificent
Riflebird (Oh, but there was so much more - the Yellow-breasted Boatbill, the
Lovely Fairy-wren, the Fawn-breasted Bowerbird, the Trumpet Manucade
A great birding outing well lead by experienced guides, a wide variety of
environments and lots of birds- what more can one want? I cannot report on this
trip without thanking Trevor Waller for selflessly sharing his scope with
others of us less quick in picking up the birds.
The birds I say during the week were (The total list seen by all on the trip
is larger than this):-
Orange-footed Scrubfowl Australian
Brush-turkey Great Frigatebird
Lesser Frigatebird
Darter Little Pied Cormorant Pacific Black
Duck Pied Heron
Great Egret
Intermediate Egret Little Egret Eastern Reef
Egret Striated Heron Royal Spoonbill Eastern
Curlew Whimbrel Grey-tailed Tattler Common
Sandpiper Greenshank Great Knot Red-necked Stint Beach Stone-curlew
Masked Lapwing Pacific Golden Plover Lesser Sand Plover Greater
Sand Plover Silver Gull Caspian Tern Crested Tern Whistling
Kite White-bellied Sea-Eagle Grey Goshawk (both phases) Peregrine
Falcon Brown Falcon Superb Fruit-Dove Wompoo Fruit-Dove Pied
Imperial-Pigeon Brown Cuckoo-Dove Peaceful Dove Bar-shouldered
Dove Palm Cockatoo
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Rainbow
Lorikeet Red-winged Parrot Pale-headed Rosella Brush
Cuckoo Chestnut-breasted CuckooShining Bronze-Cuckoo Little
Bronze-Cuckoo Gould's Bronze-Cuckoo Pheasant Coucal Rufous
Owl Barking Owl Papuan Frogmouth
Marbled Frogmouth Azure Kingfisher Laughing
Kookaburra Blue-winged Kookaburra Forest Kingfisher
Yellow Billed Kingfisher Buff-breasted
Paradise-Kingfisher Red-bellied Pitta
Noisy Pitta Lovely Fairy-wren Red-backed
Fairy-wren Tropical Scrubwren
Fairy Gerygone Helmeted
Friarbird Tawny-breasted Honeyeater
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater Graceful
Honeyeater White-throated Honeyeater White-streaked Honeyeater Brown
Honeyeater Brown-backed Honeyeater Dusky Honeyeater Red-headed
Honeyeater Grey-crowned Babbler Mangrove Robin
Yellow-legged Flycatcher Lemon-bellied
Flycatcher Northern Scrub-robin
White-faced RobinLittle Shrike-thrush Mangrove
Golden Whistler Grey Whistler Rufous Whistler Leaden
Flycatcher Shining Flycatcher Yellow-breasted Boatbill Spectacled
Monarch Frilled Monarch Spangled Drongo Yellow
Oriole Figbird Magnificent Riflebird
Trumpet Manucode Great
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird White-bellied
Cuckoo-shrike Cicadabird Varied Triller White-breasted
Woodswallow Black Butcherbird Black-backed Butcherbird Torresian
Crow Golden-headed Cisticola Red-browed Firetail Nutmeg
Mannikin Chestnut-breasted Mannikin Yellow-bellied
Sunbird Mistletoebird Pale White-eye Metallic Starling.
Peter Marsh