For the information of list members.
As one of the providers of the following information to public inquires, I
am advising of a telephone and address change (see signature block at end).
I am the Victorian contact for:
1. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (Victoria) - species and communities etc
on the list of threatened items under this Act.
2. Advisory lists of threatened taxa in Victoria.
The Department of Sustainability & Environment's (DSE) lists as follows.
- Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria - 2003
- Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria - 2003
3. Scientific Advisory Committee (Victoria)
Independent advisory committee to the Minister for Conservation (Victoria).
Note that my email address remains unchanged.
Martin O'Brien
Executive Scientific Officer, Scientific Advisory Committee
Department of Sustainability and Environment
2/8 Nicholson St. (PO Box 500), East Melbourne 3002
Tel: 9637 9869 Fax: 9637 8451
(prefixes: Interstate 03 International 613)
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