I've just been reading profiles of certain species
and vegetation, which are rare or threatened, in the Mulga Lands in South
West Queensland. I'm not too sure when it was done, but certainly in the last
few years.
On our property we have 6 of the bird species
considered vulnerable or rare, all of which breed here.There are also lots of Vegetation Communities which we have
here on Bowra, and which are of concern, with very little of the
communities being reserved in Q'ld.so we feel gratified that we have not only
the 6 species breeding here, but many, many more with the excitement
of seeing migrants arrive in the spring all the way from Siberia and Austria and
other places.
I think our bird list is close to 200, which is a
lot, but I get a great deal of pleasure from watching the Major Mitchell's,
Brown Treecreepers, Spotted Bowerbirds et al which I see every day. Yesterday a
Bowerbird in a tree in the garden gave the most wonderful imitation of a Major
Mitchell calling.
There is a pair of Red-backed Kingfishers who have
been calling, and who we see in a tree just outside our houseyard fence, so
we're guessing that they're in the breeding frame of
Julie McLaren.