Hi all,
Every so often business sends me to Kaula Lumpur ?yes, tough, I know.
Well two weeks ago I flew out of Melbourne with a plan to take a full
day off and head for the wetlands and waders of Kuala Selangor, about 3
hours by car from KL. As often happens though the best laid plans go
off. All I could arrange during a busy work schedule were some quick 2
and 3 hour local trips. So, if any one is in KL for a single day or two
I can recommend the following.
FRIM. This is a forestry research centre of planted rain forest and open
fields and playgrounds. It is a $A12 taxi ride from city-centre hotels
and well worth it. I saw 17 species in the middle of the day ?cos I
could not drag myself out of bed after arriving at 2:00 am from
Melbourne. Highlights were Buff-rumped Woodpecker, Banded- Bay Cuckoo
being fed by a Grey-chinned Minivet, Hill Prinia and assorted Bulbuls
and Drongos. There is a small wetland that showed promise for crakes and
rails but not in the mid-day sun.
Cyberjaya Wetlands. Cyberjaya is halfway between KL and the airport so
it would be a good place to visit if you check your bags at KL Central
train station and then take the transit train. Highlights were Purple
Heron, Lesser Whistling Duck and Purple Swamphen. Night herons and
Bitterns are also present but you would need to be there early.
Lake Gardens. This is the KL city gardens. It is about a $A 6 from the
hotels or central station and well worth it. I went and sat at a couple
of points during a 3 hour visits. Best point for me was on the road
above the deer compound. Highlights were Asian Koel, Greater Flameback,
Jungle Mynah, Rufous Woodpecker, Black-throated Sunbird and Blue-winged
Leafbird. Without a doubt this is as good a birding spot as some of the
more distant spot you might try for. Count here was 25 species and it
would have been more if not for a tropical downpour.
Total count for about 8 hours city birding, including the swifts, crows
and buzzards from the 16th floor of the hotel was 50.
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