Hi All,
As you may be aware the current Australasian Bird Image Database
(http://www.aviceda.org/abid/newimages.php) has been up and running for
over a year now,
and we have nearly 2300 images of approximately 718 of the 1550
species. This equates to about 46%.
I've just had a quick look through and of the species which can be found
in Australia we are still short of about 130. I've made a list of these
and included it below, if you have good quality images of any of these
(prints or digital) we would love to display them on the ABID. I realise
that most are rare and difficult to photograph but there are some that
are surprisingly missing. (ie. Grey Plover, Little Crow, Red-browed
Treecreeper etc)
Please have a 'surf' of the site and let me know if you can help out,
Look forward to hearing from you,
Tom Tarrant
Dendrocygna guttata - Spotted Whistling-Duck
Aerodramus spodiopygius - White-rumped Swiftlet
Aerodramus terraereginae - Australian Swiftlet
Apus pacificus - Fork-tailed Swift
Hirundapus caudacutus - White-throated Needletail
Pluvialis squatarola - Grey Plover
Falco hypoleucos - Grey Falcon
Falco subniger - Black Falcon
Fregata andrewsi - Christmas Island Frigatebird
Anous tenuirostris - Lesser Noddy
Gygis alba - Common White-Tern
Procelsterna cerulea - Blue Noddy
Sterna paradisaea - Arctic Tern
Bulweria bulwerii - Bulwer's Petrel
Calonectris leucomelas - Streaked Shearwater
Garrodia nereis - Grey-backed Storm-Petrel
Oceanodroma leucorhoa - Leach's Storm-Petrel
Oceanodroma matsudairae - Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel
Pachyptila belcheri - Slender-billed Prion
Pachyptila crassirostris - Fulmar Prion
Pachyptila salvini - Medium-billed Prion
Pterodroma nigripennis - Black-winged Petrel
Puffinus assimilis - Little Shearwater
Calidris melanotos - Pectoral Sandpiper
Gallinago stenura - Pintail Snipe
Sula dactylatra - Masked Booby
Phaps histrionica - Flock Bronzewing
Ptilinopus cinctus - Black-backed Fruit-Dove
Streptopelia senegalensis - Laughing Dove
Syma torotoro - Yellow-billed Kingfisher
Cacomantis castaneiventris - Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo
Coturnix chinensis - Blue-breasted Quail (King Quail)
Amaurornis moluccanus - Rufous-tailed Waterhen (Bush-hen)
Eulabeornis castaneoventris - Chestnut Rail
Climacteris erythrops - Red-browed Treecreeper
Colluricincla boweri - Bower's Shrike-thrush
Corvus bennetti - Little Crow
Corvus boreus - Relict Raven
Cracticus mentalis - Black-backed Butcherbird
Cracticus quoyi - Black Butcherbird
Manucodia keraudrenii - Trumpet Manucode
Monarcha frater - Black-winged Monarch
Pachycephala melanura - Mangrove Golden Whistler
Pachycephala olivacea - Olive Whistler
Psophodes nigrogularis - Western Whipbird
Psophodes occidentalis - Chiming Wedgebill
Ptiloris magnificus - Magnificent Riflebird
Ptiloris paradiseus - Paradise Riflebird
Rhipidura phasiana - Mangrove Fantail
Cheramoeca leucosternus - White-backed Swallow
Hirundo daurica - Red-rumped Swallow
Amytornis barbatus - Grey Grasswren
Amytornis dorotheae - Carpentarian Grasswren
Amytornis housei - Black Grasswren
Amytornis striatus - Striated Grasswren
Amytornis woodwardi - White-throated Grasswren
Stipiturus mallee - Mallee Emuwren
Stipiturus ruficeps - Rufous-crowned Emuwren
Acanthorhynchus superciliosus - Western Spinebill
Conopophila whitei - Grey Honeyeater
Grantiella picta - Painted Honeyeater
Lichenostomus fasciogularis - Mangrove Honeyeater
Lichenostomus hindwoodi - Eungella Honeyeater
Lichenostomus ornatus - Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
Manorina melanotis - Black-eared Miner
Melithreptus brevirostris - Brown-headed Honeyeater
Myzomela erythrocephala - Red-headed Honeyeater (Myzomela)
Myzomela obscura - Dusky Honeyeater (Myzomela)
Philemon buceroides - Helmeted Friarbird
Phylidonyris albifrons - White-fronted Honeyeater
Trichodere cockerelli - White-streaked Honeyeater
Xanthomyza phrygia - Regent Honeyeater
Xanthotis flaviventer - Tawny-breasted Honeyeater
Atrichornis clamosus - Noisy Scrub-bird
Atrichornis rufescens - Rufous Scrub-bird
Menura alberti - Albert's Lyrebird
Orthonyx spaldingii - Chowchilla
Acanthiza ewingii - Tasmanian Thornbill
Acanthiza inornata - Western Thornbill
Acanthiza iredalei - Slender-billed Thornbill
Acanthiza nana - Yellow Thornbill
Acanthiza robustirostris - Slaty-backed Thornbill
Acanthiza uropygialis - Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
Acanthornis magnus - Scrubtit
Aphelocephala nigricincta - Banded Whiteface
Calamanthus fuliginosus - Striated Heathwren
Dasyornis brachypterus - Eastern Bristlebird
Dasyornis longirostris - Western Bristlebird
Gerygone chloronotus - Green-backed Gerygone
Gerygone levigaster - Mangrove Gerygone
Gerygone palpebrosa - Fairy Gerygone
Gerygone tenebrosa - Dusky Gerygone
Pardalotus quadragintus - Forty-spotted Pardalote
Pycnoptilus floccosus - Pilotbird
Pyrrholaemus brunneus - Redthroat
Sericornis citreogularis - Yellow-throated Scrubwren
Sericornis keri - Atherton Scrubwren
Erythrura gouldiae - Gouldian Finch
Heteromunia pectoralis - Pictorella Mannikin
Lonchura flaviprymna - Yellow-rumped Mannikin
Lonchura punctulata - Scaly-breasted Mannikin
Drymodes superciliaris - Northern Scrub-Robin
Eopsaltria georgiana - White-breasted Robin
Eopsaltria pulverulenta - Mangrove Robin
Microeca griseoceps - Yellow-legged Flyrobin
Tregellasia leucops - White-faced Robin
Pitta erythrogaster - Red-bellied Pitta
Pomatostomus halli - Hall's Babbler
Pomatostomus ruficeps - Chestnut-crowned Babbler
Chlamydera cerviniventris - Fawn-breasted Bowerbird
Sturnus vulgaris - Common Starling
Eremiornis carteri - Spinifex-bird
Zosterops citrinellus - Pale White-eye
Zosterops luteus - Australian Yellow White-eye
Cacatua pastinator - Western Corella
Calyptorhynchus latirostris - Slender-billed Black-Cockatoo
Neophema petrophila - Rock Parrot
Neophema splendida - Scarlet-chested Parrot
Neopsephotus bourkii - Bourke's Parrot
Pezoporus occidentalis - Night Parrot
Pezoporus wallicus - Ground Parrot
Polytelis alexandrae - Alexandra's Parrot
Purpureicephalus spurius - Red-capped Parrot
Eurostopodus argus - Spotted Eared-Nightjar
Ninox rufa - Rufous Owl
Tyto castanops - Tasmanian Masked-Owl
Tyto tenebricosa - Greater Sooty-Owl
Turnix castanota - Chestnut-backed Buttonquail
Turnix olivii - Buff-breasted Buttonquail
Turnix pyrrhothorax - Red-chested Buttonquail
Turnix velox - Little Buttonquail
Tom & Marie Tarrant
Samsonvale, Queensland 4520
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