Birdline Victoria Update No. 171
For the week ending: 8 August 2004
Maarten Hulzebosch tells Mike Carter that the Baer's Pochard was at its
'usual' spot on the farm on Thursday and that it has been seen there several
times recently. It has very white sides so it is presumably the same bird,
although Mike now doubts that the bird is a Baer's Pochard! Also that 2
Orange-bellied (also Blue-winged) Parrots were along the road which leads to
Kirk Point from Lake Borrie (extending from the more coastal side of the
6 August
There was a Sooty Oystercatcher at Jawbone Reserve, Williamstown. Thanks Vin
1 August
There was a report of an Eastern Curlew on a small swamp close to Lake
Linlithgow (~20km east of Hamilton in sw Victoria), thanks Steve Clark.
1 August
2 Shy Albatross were seen off Point Addis after 5 minutes of sea watching
and 3 Rufous Bristlebirds in the carpark, thanks Vin Lam.
1 August
There was a Little Eagle amongst several Swamp Harriers at Moolap as well 3
Australian Bitterns and at Drysdale there were 2 Little Eagles, thanks Vin
31 July - 1 August
There was a Magpie Goose at Braeside Park (west of the Red Gum Picnic Area,
at the southern end near Governor Rd - Melways 93 F1). Thanks Mel Mitchell
and Erika Anderson (per Paul Peake).
30 July
There were Horsfield's Cuckoos, (2 birds) in full view calling from the top
on salt bushes at The Spit Nature Reserve, Western Treatment plant, late
morning. The birds continues to call for some time. 10 Curlew Sandpipers
were present at the Austin Road ponds, one was in breeding Plumage, also at
same pond were 150 Red necked Stints, thanks Wendy Dunn.
28 July
A pair of Diamond Firetails were seen building a nest in mistletoe growing
on a Yellow Box on Ryans Lane in Toolern Vale, 100 metres south of the
intersection with the Diggers Rest-Coimadai Road, thanks Micah Kawalek.
28 July
There were at least two Scaly-breasted Lorikeets in a flowering gum on the
edge of the Leopold primary school yard, thanks Peter Fuller.
27 July
At Rickett's Point, Beaumaris there were 3 White-fronted Terns- 2 immature
and 1 of an unidentified age, thanks Steve Davidson.
27 July
There were two White Morph Grey Goshawks at Zillah Crawour Reserve, heading
towards Buckley's Falls, thanks Peter Fuller.
25 July
A Common Greenshank and Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater were the highlights of the
monthly curtailed survey at the Eastern Treatment Plant, thanks Mike Carter.
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