I just came across the following news item in the Environment section of the
ABC Website:
Rare finches spotted on south-west Qld property
The Threatened Species Network says four gouldian finches have been sighted
at a Queensland property on the eastern edge of the Simpson Desert.
The network's Colleen O'Malley says it is unusual for the endangered species
to be living in an arid environment and it is not known how the birds
arrived at their desert location.
Ms O'Malley says the nearest gouldian finch populations are over 600
kilometres away in the Georgetown area of Queensland and the Northern
Territory's Gulf region.
"We're not sure if this is a little aberrant population that's somehow moved
there because there was some water during the times the big flooding event
that happened for Lake Eyre, so that whole catchment got a lot of rain in
the last year or so," she said.
Bill Jolly
Lockyer Valley, Queensland.
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