Neophema experts, does any of you have
experience with Blue Winged Parrots. My question is when flushed does this
parrot have the same escape flight as that described in HANZAB for the Elegant.
I flushed a Neophema at Bushells Lagoon a couple of mornings ago. It's flight
was as that described for the Elegant but they dont migrate and there is no
confirmed record for NSW. It gave two short weak whistle notes as it took off. I
had been standing very close to it looking through my scope for some mins before
it decided to fly it, zig zag away making me think it was a snipe then climbed
in a high arc before I lost it against a back ground of dark trees as it
descended. Did not see any colours as it was against the sky whilst in
The beaut Hawkesbury 60km
N/W of Sydney