Hi Birders,
Jay, yesterday 12/3 saw a immature
Square-tailed Kite at North Haven south of Port Macquarie and enquired if there
any other records. The answer is ofcourse, yes! A pair of STK have nested
successfully in rthe past few years in the Port Macquarie area (location of nest
not given out but south of Port), while another pair have nested nearby at
Coopernook SF and they are regularlty seen near Cuindletown, north of Taree, and
occasionally north of Port Macquarie near Maria River. There would appear to be
a small but viable population in the that part of the Mid-North Coast of NSW.
Details have been published in "Australian Field Ornithology" Vol 20, 94-104
(2003) and the in the NSW Annual Bird Reports, published by Birding
Alan Morris
Birdinfg NSW Records