Judy queried a wet bird the size of a Raven and black which lost
some snow white feathers. The bird also had a white eye and the base
of all feathers around the head and neck were snow white. The bird did not
call. Judy thought it was a Torresian Crow, due to
the white in the feathers and the size of the bird.
Judy, are you aware that some Aust. Ravens can have white feathering
at the base of their feathers rather than the 'normal' grey and Torr. Crows are,
of course, much the same size as Aust. Ravens. Though it may not be an
impossibility it is a longish way - "as the crow flies" from Kooragang Island to
Royal NP for a range extension and there's a fair amount of un-Crow-like
habitat between.
Dick Cooper
NSW Bird Atlassers Inc.