Birdline Victoria is 3 years old this week, so it is appropriate to once
again thank those regular contributors that make the Birdline so
worthwhile. 176 people have submitted their sightings to Birdline and
around 1500 sightings have been reported since we began in November 2000.
So thanks again to the contributors and those who support Birdline and I look
forward to more reports into the future.
15 November
There were 4 Pacific Golden
Plovers at Foster's swamp (nearly dry) near Kerang and c.3000 Avocets
and Stilts at Lake Meran as well as 3 Grey-crowned Babblers
just west of Lake Leaghur, thanks Simon Starr
15 November
Budgerigars were seen at Violet Town,
thanks Barry McLean.
14 November
A Cicadabird
was heard calling in cool temperate rainforest at Martin's Creek Scenic Reserve
south of Goongerah on the Bonang Road, thanks Jenny Edwards per Len
14 November
1 adult Crested Pigeon was
seen quietly feeding on a suburban nature strip in Marlo (3 weeks to a month
earlier than recordings in previous years), thanks Len Axen.
There were small numbers of White-browed
Woodswallow’s were observed over Bush’s Paddock on Mount Cottrell Road,
Mount Cottrell, thanks Micah Kawalek.
14 November
In the
Rupanyup area a loose flock of 30+ Australian Pratincoles
gathered on a fallow paddock on the 7/11/03 and by the 14/11/03 they had formed
pairs and were showing signs of breeding, thanks Ian Morgan.
There were 2 Tawny Frogmouths in Tarnook Crt,
Dingley, thanks Rob Timmers
10-14 November
Monarchs have been sighted at Ash Saddle (Tulloch Ard Road), Ellery
Saddle and Martin's Creek Scenic Reserve (Bonang Road) during a tour of East
Gippsland, thanks Joy Johnstone per Len Axen .
10-14 November
adult Cockatiel seen on a number of occasions during the last
week in coastal woodland at Marlo. Most likely an aviary escape, thanks Len
10 November
A Crested Shrike-tit was seen
at Brimbank Park, thanks Michael Williams.
10 November
White-winged Trillers at Yarra Flats Park Heidelberg, thanks
Michael Mules.
9 November
Highlights of a Port Fairy Pelagic
included 2 White-chinned Petrel, a Black-bellied
Storm-petrel and 2 Arctic Terns (as well as a pod of
Sei Whales), thanks Mike Carter.
9 November
There were
Crimson Chats and White-winged Trillers at
Goshen, thanks Russell Woodford.
9 November
A few more
interesting sightings from the Western Treatment Plant including 30
Glossy Ibis at the T-section lagoons, a Rufous
Songlark, 2 White-winged Triller and a Singing
Bushlark along Point Wilson Rd, thanks Richard Nowotny.
3 King Parrots were at Banyule Flats in wattle
trees not far from the Plenty River Bridge, thanks Alan Clarke.
There was an Azure Kingfisher and several
White-winged Trillers seen at Geelong Grammar, thanks Don
8 November
At Bannockburn Golf Course there were a pair
of Tawny Frogmouth with young, a Shining Bronze
Cuckoo, and a White Bellied Cuckoo-Shrike, thanks Ian
7 November
There were 2 Pink-eared
Ducks on the Moonee Ponds Creek standing on the rocky bank about 300
metres from the confluence with the Yarra, thanks Alan Flack.
There was Baillon's Crake and Rufous
Songlark at Banyule Flats Reserve, Heidelberg, thanks Tim
5 November
60 - 70 Little Terns have
congregated on the sand spit at the mouth of the Snowy River, thanks Len
5 November
There was a Red-whiskered
Bulbul present in Stafford Street, Northcote on 5 & 6 November
2003, thanks Lawrie Conole.
5 November
There was a Brown
Songlark (probable juvenile) at Westgate Park and 44 Great
Crested Grebe in Port Phillip Bay, offshore from Point Cook Coastal
Park, thanks Richard Nowotny.
4 November
A Rainbow
Bee-eater was seen at the Corio Campus of Geelong Grammar, thanks
Russell Woodford.
3 November
1 Male Southern
Emu-wren and a small party of Tawny-crowned
Honeyeaters observed in heathland at West Cape Conran by Joy Johnstone,
thanks Len Axen.
3 November
Monarchs, Brown Gerygones observed and a Rose
Robin (heard calling) at the Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve by Joy
Johnstone, thanks Len Axen.
Birdline Victoria is a service for birdwatchers to report
and find out about rare and unusual birds in Victoria and is brought to you by
Birds Australia Victoria. Birdline can be contacted on (03) 9882 2390 or on the
Internet at
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