I spent from 5 to 27 August
(during the heat wave and when the Spanish were also on leave) on 'holiday' in
Spain with my wife and sister. Main areas visited were birding spots in
Extramadura, Valenciana, Catalunya and the Pyrenees. I have produced a
brief, not very detailed, presence/absence, atlas-style report, (8
pages). I tabulated the species I reckoned I had a chance of
seeing and have added the few surprises. This totalled 257. I saw
175 of these.
If anyone would like a copy I
can send it as an attachment.
I believe there are web-sites
where these things can be lodged. If anyone out there knows such a site and
can advise me step-by-step in words of one syllable, I will
attempt to do so.
Mike Carter 30 Canadian Bay Road Mt
Eliza VIC 3930 Ph: (03) 9787
7136 Email: