Hello All,
I've been away for several weeks so missed any
transitory migrants, which might or might not turn up.
There are a lot of Blue-bonnets about at the moment
and a few days ago I witnessed an awful "blue" between two, out of a mob of 8.
This full on fight went on for about 10 minutes with the underdog on the ground
with the dominant one on top, absolutely bashing it. Every time the "bashee"
moved the "bashor" followed it and proceeded to attack. Finally the loser walked
away, with lots of feathers out of place and seemed to be fairly distressed,
however, ended up flying away.
Ian saw a group of 20 Bourke's Parrots to-day, not
too far from the house.We think that this is a large flock of Bourkies, is
As we drove home after my weeks away, and turned in
over our grid, a juvenile Black-breasted Buzzard was flying just over our
mail box [a 44 gall. drum], what a beautiful sight, but to cap my return to a
fairly desolate scene, there were 10 Major Mitchell's calling and
then landed on some of the Gum trees around the house as we pulled into our
car shed. But that's not all, at about 9 p.m., just as we'd gone to bed, the
most beautiful sound in the world [apart from rain falling on our tin
roof] I heard Brolgas calling overhead. Maybe they were all saying "Welcome