G'day all,
Just paid a visit to the Julia Creek (Qld) sewerage
treatment pond this afternoon after seeing over 40 Oriental
Plovers there yesterday and to take some photos of them.
This afternoon, there was only one Oriental Plover
but amongst the waders there was a lone immature Sanderling
(which looked like a frosty white Sharp-tailed Sandpiper). This is
probably the first Sanderling record for the region as they are pretty rare
inland apparently (Julia Creek is about 500k's inland from the Gulf of
Carpentaria, Normanton and Karumba). Within a 50 metre radius of the pond
were other goodies like a gorgeous male White-winged Fairy
Wren, Spiney-cheeked Honeyeaters, Rufous
Throated Honeyeaters, Australian Pratincoles,
Glossy Ibis, Paperbark Flycatcher,
Sharp-tailed and Marsh
Sandpipers, Richards Pipit, Singing
Bushlark and Red-necked Stints.
The last few weeks we've also seen various waders
popping in including Common Sandpipers and Common
Marc Gardner
Jullia Creek QLD