Blue-billed and Musk Ducks at Lake Coolmunda (near Inglewood, Queensland) on
Thursday 16th October.
All up, a week of marvellous birding, with over 180 species - more than 130
just on Thursday.
When I go out Inglewood/Texas way I'm always hopeful of picking up a few
special 'extras' in addition to the expected assortment of more inland
honeyeaters and other species that are to be found there.
But on Thursday the specials just kept coming and coming - until we had just
about all of them, viz:.
a family of Hooded Robins alongside us at our roadside lunchtime pull-over;
Diamond Firetails and Plum-headed Finches throughout the day;
good looks at Emus, including one shepherding nine big chicks;
2 each of Bluebonnets and Turquoise Parrots;
6 Blue-billed and 5 Musk Ducks;
multiple nesting Banded Lapwings;
and 15 honeyeater species all up.
The day was a bit light on for raptors (8 spp), and also surprisingly few
woodswallows - but overall, no complaints!
There were Cotton Pygmy-geese at Lake Dyer on Friday.
And an Eastern Whipbird in the bird-bath right now!
Bill Jolly
Lockyer Valley, Queensland.
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