Further to Marc Gardner's account of his birding at Mt Isa with Bob
Forsyth, I have spent the last 3 days in my hide at the Clearwater lagoon and
have seen the birds they mentioned but also Buff-banded Rail and
Spotless Crake both of which have never been recorded at the Lake before.
I think the Spotless Crake has only been seen once before in Mt Isa at the
Sewage Ponds. A Baillons Crake was also present. I was able to photograph all 3
species. In addition to the 6 species of finches Marc mentioned I also saw and
photographed Black-throated Finch. Also visiting to drink were flocks of
budgies. The Little Grassbird was often in the open and was collecting grasses
for nest building.
Don Hadden
Mobile 0439 958220
(Australia) 4/43 Camooweal St, Mt Isa, Qld 4170. Phone 07 4743
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