g'day all,
and reading the discussion on Norfolk Island and
Macquarie Island being included in a NZ checklist,
I saw a reference to a new draft Check List on the
BA Web Page
Did I miss the announcement of this via our
own Birding-Aus mailing List ?
The 14/2/2003 list can be downloaded
1 Is this list already fait accompli
I could not locate any requests for
2 Who is responsible for the Common Names for the
new splits ?
I have commented before on giving the name
"Kalkadoon" to the Ballarae race of Dusky Grasswren without reference
to the finders of the bird.
I would also suggest that separate lists should be
published for the external Island territories such as
- Cocos-Keeling,
Lord Howe, Norfolk, Norfolk, Macquarie, Heard, Christmas and perhaps the Torres
Strait Islands.
After all, these are political locations. Does the
UK include the Falkland Islands etc in their checklist ?
Regards Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW