Andy Burton wrote:
For what it's worth my 5 most visible bird species in NSW since 1st
Jan 2001 are:
Australian Magpie 590 records
Rainbow Lorikeet 550
Noisy Miner 550
Pied Currawong 384
Welcome Swallow 364
Andy's points are well made, and along with others here, he's flushing
out some of the important assumptions and misconceptions that go along
with assessing bird abundance. Incidentally - the top 5 above from Andy
are all highly visible "from the car" species. Any idea Andy of how
your records break down? (intentional surveys vs. incidentals, etc.).
My surveys quoted here were exactly that, ie. intentional surveys rather
than random observations - I don't include birds seen from the car,
except for the odd interesting incidental record. Sometimes an
interesting bird seen from the car encourages me to stop there and do an
area search survey. When I survey in grassy woodland, I probably see
fewer than half the species I record (the rest heard) at least initially
- though the longer I stay, the more "heard" are converted to "seen as
Keep the discussion going - this is good - all about BIRDS ....
Lawrie Conole
Senior Ecologist
Ornithology & Terrestrial Ecology
Ecology Australia Pty. Ltd.
Flora and Fauna Consultants
88B Station Street
FAIRFIELD VIC 3078 Australia
Ph: (03) 9489 4191; Mob: (0419) 588 993
Fax: (03) 9481 7679
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