A beautiful sparkling morning after overnight rain at Hazelbrook in the Blue
Mountains. A pair of Red-browed Treecreepers were busy in a Scribbly Gum.
In the same tree a small flock of Varied Sittellas hopped round with them.
A Crested Shrike-tit rolled over in the wet leaves, while a White-throated
Treecreeper worked the trunk of a Stringybark. White-naped Honeyeaters flew
over, with a few stopping in the Scribbly, Brown-headed Honeyeaters were
there too. Spotted pardalotes, Fan-tailed Cuckoo and a Golden Whistler
called, while a Wonga Pigeon wandered across the drive. Red-browed Finches
and Variegated Fairy-wrens hopped around and a Brown Thornbill scolded
vigorously from the bushes.
A great morning, with a total of 24 species in the garden before 10 o'clock.
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