Today, myself and David Mitford saw at least 20
Little Ravens just outisde the southern boundary of the Castlereagh NR (approx.
55km west of Sydney CBD). This is most likely due to the drought as they are
normally found west of the Divide in NSW. Good comparisons where had with a few
of the Australian Ravens also about not only due to their distinctive calls but
there size difference and far less distinct throat hackles especially when the
birds called. They were just slightly larger than the White-winged Choughs
which where also near them. The Little Ravens have been present here for at
least a month or so now. We searched here for the Diamond Dove,
Black-chinned Honeyeater and Scarlet Robin that was seen on the CBOC outing the
previous day without success.
There were lots of birds in the recently and
heavilly burnt Castlereagh NR with Peaceful Doves in
fair abundance (which came in to the playback calls of the Diamond
Dove) as well as Double-barred Finches all over the place; heaps of
Striated and Spotted Pardalotes; Honeyeaters esp. Red Wattlebirds, Fuscous and
Yellow-faced, White-naped and Brown-headed (the previous hundreds of Noisy
Friarbirds have cleared out of the area); Common Bronzewinged Pigeons, Golden
Bronze and Fan-tailed Cuckoos, several Dusky Woodswallows (15 plus), an
over-wintering male Rufous Whistler (appears to be much a regular
occurrence), Crested Shrike-tits, small numbers of Varied Sitellas, a few Jacky
Winters, a passing Swamp Harrier and a nice Little Eagle soaring above.
Surprisingly (but maybe due to the fires) none of the usually common Grey
Fantails and Eastern Yellow Robins were seen or any of the Red Robins (Scarlet,
Red-capped or Rose with only the later heard).
A nice few hours at Castlereagh.
Edwin Vella