Though a lot of hysteria and way too many words have been whipped up
on Birding-Aus by Sophie's rather abstract FOI, I think in her defence I
should illuminate you all. After a brief offline e-mail exchange, it is
clear that Sophie has no ulterior motives or heinous objectives! She is
if anything just a bit naïve and inexperienced in the niceties of
asking for help. I'm sure she's learned quite a bit from the savaging that
she has received on that score!!! If you're interested, the text below from
her message to me explains what she's attempting to do with Silvereyes; why
and where. It's for an honours project, so she hasn't much time to play
with - please help if you can.
Thanks for your reply. I am studying BSc Honours in the Department of Zoology at Melbourne uni, and am looking at the responce of silvereyes to the calls of grey butcherbirds. As butcherbirds are a predator of small birds it is expected that silvereyes will retreat to cover in responce to the call. This has applications in the wine industry as silvereyes are a severe pest of grapes, and butcherbird calls may provide an economic deterrence method.
I have done some trials in vineyards, but the grape season is now finished. I am looking for locations where there are usually silvereyes at this time of year, but am having some trouble, hence the general call for sightings. I want to continue playback trials to silvereyes where they are feeding now, possibly using feeders as a focal point. I'm not sure if their foraging behaviour will be the same as when they're feeding in vineyards, so I'd like to find some and observe asap.
Any ideas / comments would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks You,
Sophie Dennis.
Sophie Dennis
Zoology Honours
University of Melbourne
Lawrie Conole
Senior Ecologist
Ornithology & Terrestrial Ecology
Ecology Australia Pty. Ltd.
Flora and Fauna Consultants
88B Station Street
FAIRFIELD VIC 3078 Australia
E-mail: m("","lconole");">
Ph: (03) 9489 4191; Mob: (0419) 588 993
Fax: (03) 9481 7679
ABN 83 006 757 142
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