>For this and other controversial changes see
>Perhaps we could re-ignite some of those wonderful flames from
>days gone by!
But there's nothing new in this list!!! (which is after all just a draft
list anyhow - not the new official Australian "checklist").
It's just based on Christidis & Boles (1994) with updates from:
(1) All species accepted by the Birds Australia Rarities Committee
(BARC) since 1994
(2) Species splits included in Volume 5 of HANZAB
(3) New albatross taxonomy
Plenty to muse over, but it just brings together a few of the post
C&B(94) fiddling in one handy unofficial document :-)
Lawrie Conole
Senior Ecologist
Consulting Ornithologist & Vertebrate Ecologist
Ecology Australia Pty. Ltd.
Flora and Fauna Consultants
88B Station Street
FAIRFIELD VIC 3078 Australia
Internet: http://www.ecologyaustralia.com.au/
Ph: (03) 9489 4191; Mob: (0419) 588 993
Fax: (03) 9481 7679
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