Dear all
Forgot to add to my last report, sightings last
weekend of Spine-tailed Swifts over my house on the northern borders of
Gloucester at 32.00.05 - 151.57.58
Sat 21 December - 100 plus very high mid
Sun 22 December - 100 plus from approx 100m to out
of sight - when put the bins up, could see them circling into
It was very humid, warm with light cloud and bit of
rain Sunday evening. They were hawking insects with Tree Martins and Welcome
Tuesday 24th Dec - a small (male?) Brown Falcon was
closely pursued by 2 Willie Wagtails to approx. 100 m high.
The Boobook has been calling each night, and with
all the rain last night and this morning, the tree frogs are