This afternoon here in Violet Town (Vic) it was 42°C and birds were thirsty. I
hunted away four magpies who were sitting on the birdbath outside my window
because I noticed that they had been sitting there for about half an hour, not
drinking much if at all in that time, but preventing access by other birds. In
the following two minutes or less the bath was attended by a total of ten
different species, up to four species at once so I continued to watch for a
total of about twenty minutes.
Nothing special but roughly in order of appearance they were Crimson Rosella,
several Brown-headed H/Es, two White-plumed H/Es and several Goldfinch almost
instantly, then as some left, three Silvereye, several striated T'bill, two
Brown T'bill, several Red-browed Finch and a Willy Wagtail made up the first
ten. Others to arrive then to join them included a Rufous Whistler, a Spotted
Pardalote, a House Sparrow, two Blackbird, a Grey Shrike-thrush and two Grey
Fantail. All the time on the very crisp lawn, this is the sixth 38°+
consecutive day following a hot dry month, were a contingent of Superb F/W
which apparently didn't need a drink.
The visiting rate dropped considerably after about ten minutes and the Grey
Fantails were the only visitors for the last five minutes. Then the Magpies
Merry Xmas
Barry & Roberta McLean
03 57981213
0418 584433
PO Box 66
Violet Town Vic 3669
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