Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party
Nifs Gdid-Nifs Nadif
149,Archbishop street,
tel no : 21255330
Media Release 15/11/2002
AD supports anti-hunting and animal protection demonstration
Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party is supporting the Anti-hunting and
Animal Protection demonstration which will be organised on Tuesday 19th
November at 17:00hrs at Freedom Square, Valletta This protest is being
planned and organised by the combined Animal welfare & social activist civil
society organisations.
The Green Party's spokesperson for the environment and health Mark Causon
invited the Maltese and Gozitan people to participate in this demonstration.
"We support the call of the civil society organisations organising the
demonstration for enforcement of the new animal welfare act. The new
legislation should be treated with the seriousness it deserves. Many cases
of animal cruelty continue to be reported, with little evidence to date of
In its new manifesto AD is making a number of proposals in this sector.
These include:
1. Hunting should not be regarded as a hobby or a sports. Laws protecting
animals from cruelty should apply to birds. Hunting is a cruel practice
which should be actively discouraged. Hunting in Spring should be abolished
in line with the Berne Conventions and the EU Birds and Habitat Directive.
2. The encouragement of cruelty free methods such as free range methods,in
animal husbandry. There should be strict rules to regulate the intensive
farming of animals.
3.Enforcement in this sector should be improved and penalties protecting
animals from cruel practices like dog fighting should be more severe.
4. The rights of animals used for entertainment purposes should be
5. Domestic animals should be registered with the state in a way that the
police would be able to trace the owner of any abandoned animal. Penalties
for those abandoning their pets should be severe. Neutering should be
AD's spokesperson Mark Causon added that:
"Animal Rights is an integral part of AD's Green ideology and vision. We
are not held hostage by powerful lobbies like hunters. Our responsible
proposals in this sector reflect the growing sensibility in favour of animal
rights in Maltese civil society".
James Debono
Media Officer
Stqarrija Media 15/11/2002
AD tappoggja demostrazzjoni favur il-harsien tal-annimali
Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party qed tappoggja id-demostrazzjoni
favur il-harsien tal-annimali li se tigi organizzaa nhar it-Tlieta 19 ta'
novembru fil-Belt Valletta. Din il-protesta qed tigi organizzata minn bosta
ghaqdiet mis-socjeta civili Maltija.
Il-Kelliem tal-AD dwar s-sahha u l-ambjent Mark Causon sostna:
"Ahna nheggu lill-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin biex jippartecipaw f'din
id-demostrazzjoni u nappoggjaw is-sejha tal-ghaqdiet li qed jorganizzaw din
id-demostrazzjoni biex il-ligi dwar il-harsien tal-annimali tigi
implimentata bis-serjeta".
Fil-manifest gdid taghha l- AD qed taghmel numru ta'proposti f'dan
is-settur. Dawn jinkludu:
1.Fl-agrikultura metodi tat-trobbija free range ghandhom jigu enkoraggiti.
Ghandu jkun hemm ukoll regoli stretti li jnaqqsu s-sofferenza ta'
dawkl-annimali li jitrabbew b'mod intensiv. Dawn il-metodi ghandhom sa fejn
possibli jigu evitati u anki projbiti.
2.Mhux accettabli li l-kacca tigi meqjusa bhala passatemp
tradizzjonali.Il-ligijiet li jharsu l-annimali mill-mohqrija ghandhom
japplikaw ukoll ghall-kacca li m'hi xejn ghajr mohqrija tal-ghasafar.
Il-kacca fir-Rebbiegha ghandha tigi abolita b'mod li pajjizna jibda josserva
il- Berne Convention u l- Birds and Habitats Directive tal-Unjoni Ewropea.
3.Ghandu jigi msahhah l-enforzar tal-ligijiet li jharsu l-annimali u
ghandhom jihraxu l-pieni fuq atti barabari ta'mohqrija fuq l-annimali
bhall-glied tal-klieb.
4.Ghandu jkun hemm kontroll strett biex ma jsirx bejgh u trobbija
ta'annimali ezotici mharsa mill-konvenzjoni CITES.
5.Id-drittijiet tal-annimali li jintuzaw ghal skop ta'divertiment ghandhom
jigu mharsa.
6. Ir-registrazzjoni ta'annimali domestici malistat ghandha tkun
obbligatorja. Dan jghin biex jekk annimal jispicca abbandunat il-puluzija
tkun tista' issib lil ssib min hu s-sid tal-annimal. Il-pieni
ghall-abbandun ta'annimali ghandhom ikunu ezemplari. Ghandha tigi imnedija
kampanja nazzjonali ta'nuetering. Din hi l-unika altrenattiva ghas-sistema
prezenti li permezz taghha l-annimali jigu mraqqda.
Il-Kelliem tal-AD Mark Causon zied jghid li:
"Id-drittijiet tal-annimali huma parti integrali mill-ideologija tal-Partiti
tal-Greens li thaddan l-AD. Madwar id-dinja kollha l-Partiti tal-Greens taw
vuci politika lill-annimali. L-AD hi l-unika partit li mhux rikattat minn
lobbies qawwija bhall kaccaturi. Il-propost responsabli taghna jirriflettu
s-sensibilita dejjem tizdied fis-socjeta civili Maltija favur id-drittijiet
James Debono
Media Officer
Nifs Gdid, Nifs Nadif
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