Having returned from four weeks in northern Tassie, searching for foxes in
the alleged infested areas and investigating most of the so-called
sightings, I have come to the conclusion that we might all have been conned.
There is no substantiated evidence of any foxes in Tasmania recently.
Carcasses have never been shown, a couple of skins could have come from
anywhere, there is no DNA sample evidence, and none of the fox sightings are
substantiated There is evidence only of exaggeration and media manipulation.
Probable sightings do not stand up to scrutiny and if these fox reports were
of rare birds, they would not be accepted on the evidence.
A thorough investigation is needed to get to the heart of this major fraud.
Nobody can deny the serious threat that foxes could pose to native wildlife
populations in Tasmania and because of this, Government has little choice
but to fund programs based on any report. No government can afford the
consequences of ignoring such issues. But this scare is a hoax, perpetrated
by ex tree hugging ferals most likely on a Public Service empire building
exercise. Funds are not used to advance the cause of conservation but to
support lifestyles and personal agendas. I checked names of all the fox
project leaders on the internet and surprise surprise, we find that some of
these people are known professional tree huggers, experts at whipping up a
crisis and distorting facts while working the media to create an engine for
extorting government money. The shame is that if a real crisis emerges in
future and is not taken seriously because of this crying wolf exercise, the
ramifications could cause a major environmental catastrophe.
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