Hi birding-aussers,
Last week (12-13th Sept), whilst conducting Orange-bellied Parrot searches
at Nirranda near Peterborough in sw Vic, I saw three Latham's Snipe. One
was flushed from a small wetland in the Bay of Islands Coastal Park, one
from a wetland on a dairy farm and one flying over. Also, several small
flocks of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers flying over.
These are the first Latham's Snipe I've seen for the season, and they
should start turning up everywhere from about now on.
Chris Tzaros
Co-ordinator, Threatened Bird Network
Birds Australia (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union)
National Office
415 Riversdale Rd
Hawthorn East, Vic., 3123
Ph: 03-9882-2622
Fax: 03-9882-2677
Website address: http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au
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