Hi all,
I have an interesting anecdote from a workmate who told me yesterday of
an owl who appeared in her Box Hill street around 18 months ago. Her
children were spotlighting on possums on their powerlines one night when
the light flashed upon an owl. After some promting from me, she
explained the owls' plumage and overall description - but what pricked
my ears up was the fact that the owl emits a ' small dog Woof Woof '
call. It comes and goes and her next door neighbour regularly feeds it!
I mentioned to my non-birder workmate that as far as i know, the Barking
owl is listed as vulnerable in Victoria and that this could be classed
as an unusual and worthy sighting. I am wondering what others may be
thinking on this sighting? is it an escaped bird,is it wandering outside
its usual home range? why would it suddenly become sedentary for an
extended period roosting in a suburban street? any thoughts...
Mark Kliene.
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