Just some information on what we do here in Sweden...........
In Sweden we have a system called "Rixlarm" with about 1300 people
connected. It is not SMS based so you need a pager to be connected. If you
find something rare you call the server and leave a message concisting of
numbers. Each locality, specie, event and so on has its own code so you
just compile the right set of numbers and of course your own personal code
so you can be identified. Then it is automatically sent to all "twitchers".
The pager gives a buzz, you have to decode the message and then decide if
you are tempted to go or not! The same information is also published on the
website http://www.club300.se/sokarlarm/ Sorry only in Swedish, but there
you can see the latest alerts. It is run by the Swedish "twitchers" society
- Club300, would probably be called Club600 downunder!
We also have a website called Svalan (=the Swallow) where people can leave
reports. It is run by the Ornitological Society, the Swedish Environmental
Protection Agency and the Club300. Anyone who is registred (you need to
register as a member first and get a password to be able to log in) can
report their latest sightings. It is not only for rare birds but also other
activities like migration movements, birdbanding, nesting, feeding or
singing birds. The reports are then compiled into a searchable database.
This is a great source of info if you are going somewhere or want to know
whats flying around at the moment. The website Svalan (
http://svalan.environ.se/rappsyst/index.htm ) is only in Swedish but have a
look at the latest reports page:
http://svalan.environ.se/rappsyst/dagens.asp to get an idea what it looks
like. Red text is hot, bold text is not so hot and the plain type is
normal. The little symbol after the species name explain where the info
came from, the triangle is a "Rixlarm". There you can find a map with a
dot/report and a diagram with number of reports/day. You can also see the
total number of species reported within Sweden (358 today), find links to
survey reports or other birdrelated info pages. Last weeks (reported)
birdbanding results can also be found there:
with 521 in Oz and 241 in Sweden without pager.....................
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