g'day all,
Now that the ephemeral water holes have
dried up it is easy to locate this bird again. Darlene Kneen, a fellow Isa
birdwatcher advised me that they had returned to drinking at the Warrigal
Waterhole (also known as Painted Rocks)
On Friday I watched from
1.30 to 2.30pm as they came down the cliffs in waves with up to 20
Painted Finches drinking at a time. There were accompanied
by 100s of Grey-headed H/e, 4 Grey-fronted
H/e, 12 Diamond Doves, 3 Spotted Bower
Birds and as I was leaving dozens of Spinifex
Warrigal Waterhole is at 20° 43' 20" / 139° 35'
42" and is accessed via 3.6km of a very rough track. The turnoff is at a
interpretive sign on the Barkly Hwy, 5.7km east of the Overlander hotel.
Visitors will get the best view by walking to the downriver end of the waterhole
via a disused track and sitting on the north bank.
Regards, Bob Forsyth,
Mount Isa, NW Qld.