Dear All,
I notice that Marnix (see below) called in at Dromedary/Gulaga park, and I
take the liberty of reminding you all, that, if the proposed shooting
complex on the East slopes of Dromedary comes into operation, there will be
magnum rifles firing within 1200 meters of the park 7 days a week. To
prevent this diminution of bird habitat (and birdo habitat), please Email
the Council making the decision and also the local paper (addresses just
below). The point is that the range is portrayed by its proposers as an
economic benefit. Many locals think that they can have shooter tourists
without losing present tourists who largely seek quiet and wild life. Of
course they cannot have both sorts, but unless we help them, they may not
see that until it is too late. Every brief message from outside the shire
saying "this is crazy, and I will have to go elsewhere for my holidays" will
be priceless. Please take a moment. One line will do!
When writing to Eurobodalla Shire Council please refer to Shooting
complex Narooma DP 752155. Mark at the top "please copy to all Councillors"
and give your home name and address; use Email
When writing to Narooma News please think of a catchy header for your
letter (something like "your peace is why I visit" or "birds and bullets
don't mix"), again please give your home address; use Email
It will be sad if Narooma only realise what they've got when it's gone.
Pete John
>>> 5/7/02 10:48:00 am >>>
I spent Sunday and Monday birding along the south coast between Merimbula
and Moruya. There were many highlights for me and even several 'lifers'.
Bell Miners drove me crazy everywhere. I have some identification
below I hope somebody can answer as well.
Cooma-Bega Hwy:
2 mature Wedge-tailed Eagles perched on fence posts along roadside. Never
seen them this close in wild before.
Brown Mountain (SE Forests NP):
Almost continuous stream of Yellow-faced & White-naped Honeyeaters along
Bemboka escarpment (5 spp present inc Crescent and Brown-headed)
1 Crested Shrike-tit
2 Grey Currawong
Bega River (Jellat Jellat):
1 Great Egret
1 Musk Duck
1 Whistling Kite
2 White-bellied Sea-Eagles (adult pair)
1 White-fronted Chat
12 Black-winged Stilt
10 Cattle Egret
several Australasian Shoveler
Wallagoot Lake area (Bournda NP):
1 Brown Quail (? may have been Painted Button-quail, did not get good
1 Grey Goshawk (white morph, beautiful pure white bird)
1 Collared Sparrowhawk
100s of Musk Lorikeet, Little Lorikeet and Rainbow Lorikeet (in flowering
gums inc Blackbutt)
1000s of Honeyeaters (5 spp inc Yellow-tufted & Lewin's)
1 Bassian Thrush (Bondi Lake)
1 Olive-backed Oriole
2 Mistletoebirds
1 Rufous Night-Heron (Bournda Lagoon)
2 Red-capped Plover
Bega River (Mogareeka):
3 Pied Oystercatcher
23 Plover (Double-banded and Red-capped)
1 Great Egret
1 Royal Spoonbill
Mt Dromedary (Gulaga NP):
2 Large-billed Scrubwren (Rainforest Trail)
? Brown Gerygone (Rainforest Trail, heard distinctive 'what-is-it' call)
2 Superb Lyrebirds (beautiful views within a few metres)
100s of Honeyeaters passing over saddle
on lower slopes: many Wonga Pigeons, White-cheeked Honeyeaters (? high in
canopy, dont know what else they can be apart from New Holland HE), Musk
Lorikeets, Crescent Honeyeaters
Also another honeyeater flashed past (had some yellow visible, unusual
questioning call I havent heard before, something like 'whit-che-a-ya',
flew from shrub to shrub quickly, direct flight, did not look/sound like a
Middle Lagoon (Mimosa Rocks NP):
1 Pacific Heron
1 Great Egret
2 White-bellied Sea-Eagles
10-16 Cattle Egret (10 'town swamp', 6 Long Swamp)
4 Caspian Tern
1 Eastern Curlew
1 Eastern Reef Egret (on sandbar in early morning, are they normally found
in this habitat?)
7 Pied Oystercatcher (3 Camel Rock, 4 Wallaga Lake)
20 Royal Spoonbill (Wallaga Lake)
2 Whistling Kite (Long Swamp, one bird chased other trying to make it give
up meal, this bird then proceeded to eat 'on the wing')
1 Great Egret (Wallaga Lake)
Eurobodalla NP:
1 dirty-looking immature Sea-Eagle (possibly Osprey?, did not get good
view, at Mystery Bay)
many Variegated Fairy-wren (most areas)
1 Brush Bronzewing (on rocky heath-covered Bingie Bingie Point)
3 Gannet (Mystery Bay)
2 Eastern Reef Egret (Poole's Beach)
1 White-faced Heron (on rocky headland at Bingie Bingie Point)
7 Sooty Oystercatcher (4 Poole's Beach, 3 Mystery Bay)
1 Caspian Tern (Mystery Bay)
1 White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Mystery Bay)
Barragoot Lake:
1 Great Egret
Nangudga Lake:
4 Little Egret
2 Great Egret
Marnix Zwankhuizen
This message is from 'Canberra Birding', the discussion list of the
Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG). For further information about COG and
birding in the Canberra region, please visit COG's web site: . For enquiries about this list,
please email List Maintainer David McDonald at
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