Hi Everyone,
Over the last week the Double-eyed Fig-Parrots have returned to roost
overnight in a rainforest tree opposite our house. I reported them doing the
same last year when over 100 arrived for a couple of weeks before
disappearing. I did a count this evening and had 110 birds arriving over a
20 min. period just before darkness fell. They mainly arrived in pairs but
several small flocks of up to 10 also arrived, flitting around the tree
crown noisily chattering away before suddenly going quiet and settling down
for the night. Whilst this behaviour has been recorded before by several
authors it is quite a privilege to see it happening from our front garden.
Black Kites appeared along the coast around Cairns at least a week ago,
which is quite early for them as they don't usually arrive until the dry
season in late April/May, although it is raining today they are a reflection
of the particularly dry wet season we are having. Most of the Pied Imperial
Pigeons have gone with a few late goers hanging on, we heard our last
Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher at home calling two weeks ago and they
must have all departed for their journey north. Likewise the Metallic
Starlings numbers have thinned out with a few flocks still hanging around.
Just a few small flocks of waders on the Cairns Esplanade left now most in
breeding plumage; they include, Whimbrel, Eastern Curlew, Curlew Sandpiper,
Lesser Sandplover, Red-necked Stint, Common Greenshank and Bar-tailed
Keith & Lindsay Fisher
Queensland 4870 Australia
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