North Coast NSW
It has been interesting to read about
the seasonal movements around the country.
I only see Rose Robins in Autumn and Spring for a
brief period on my block.
I saw one yesterday so it must be
Last Spring we were fortunate enough to have a few
pass through and they came down onto the lower shrubs for a change, giving me a
chance to obtain some nice video shots.
Do we have any bird song recordists on the list? I
started recording bird song back in 1953 in England using one of the first
Grundig valve tape recorders (mains). This involved carrying a large, heavy
voltage converter as well as a car battery and a home made parabolic reflector.
Not having done any recording for ages, apart from that on my digital video
recorder, I think it must now be relatively easy with Mini discs and the like. I
would be interested to know what is used.
Best Wishes
Gordon Ninox Binoculars & Telescopes
(02) 6649