Still very hot out here, with last week's
temperatures ranging between 38 and 42.
At present we have a lot of Raptors around. Ian
says he can't remember having seen as many Wedge-tailed Eagles about
for approximately 25 years.In the last month on a fairly regular basis
we've seen,
Peregrine Falcons, Square-tailed Kites,Black
Falcons,Black-breasted Buzzards,Little Eagles,Australian Hobby,either a
Swamp Harrier or a Spotted Harrier,Whistling Kites,Nankeen Kestrels,Brown
Falcons,Black-shouldered Kites and Collared Sparrowhawks along with the
We have also seen quite a few Bustards,
which aren't very common in this area. Lots and lots of Emus
around. To-day I saw close to a hundred in several mobs ranging from 4 to about
25. The majority were slightly smaller than 1 or 2 birds in the mob so must be
last years chicks.
I have quite a few Spotted Bowerbirds in
the garden, they love the berries[?] of the Canary Island Date Palm. I'm not
sure if they eat them or just like the look of them.We don't have as many
Honeyeaters around the house as we normally do, probably because there
aren't many things flowering at this time of the year, in fact, I've taken
particular notice of all the native flora around the paddocks and have only seen
two Mulga trees in flower and some Lignum bushes.
Ian saw a Barking Owl in one of the
paddocks this week. He was pretty happy about it as he's seen very few of
The countryside is getting very dry and barren
looking and waterholes are drying up rapidly.Thank God for our artesian
Julie McLaren. "Bowra",
PH. O746551238 FAX