
Heathcote (Central Vic) trip report.

To: "birding-aus" <>
Subject: Heathcote (Central Vic) trip report.
From: "Marlene Lyell" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 10:54:49 +1100
Over the last month I've had the opportunity to visit the above area on a number of occasions. Surrounded by the Mt. Ida, McIvor Range, Spring Plains, Argyle and One Eye Box-Ironbark Forests, it is also the gateway to Derrinal Pool at the north eastern end of Lake Eppalock.
Heathcote, a survivor from the goldrush days, is a thriving country town situated between Melbourne and Echuca or Bendigo. The bakery is a 'must stop' with the added advantage of the Tourist Information Centre across the road where maps of the above forests are freely available.
Onto the birds:
Based on the southern side of Derrinal Pool and being required to travel to Heathcote, normal route would be along the Derrinal Pool/Mia Mia road and the McIvor Highway to Heathcote.
The Derrinal Pool road cuts through the One Eye Forest, so rather than travel along the bitumen, I would take the One Eye Track through the forest which ultimately (2k's) rejoins the McIvor Highway just north of Heathcote. It was probably a short cut to Heathcote, but took me 10 times longer!!
On an early morning visit, a Crested Bellbird enthralled me. Being ventriloquial, they can be rather difficult to find.  I've also seen these in the Springs Plains Forest.
Other birds included (all visits) White-winged Chough, White-browed Babbler, Grey Shrike-thrush. Yellow-tufted, Black-chinned, White-naped & Fuscous Honeyeater, Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike, Superb Fairy-wren, Varied Sittella, Galah, Little Eagle overhead, Crimson & Eastern Rosella, Striated Pardalote, Rufous Whistler, Common Bronzewing, Crested Pigeon, Brown & Striated Thornbill, Willie Wagtail, Diamond Firetail, Kookaburra, Grey Fantail, Brown Treecreeper.  Also seen small black wallaby (I've always called them Swamp  Wallaby, but I think that has now changed) Bearded Dragon and Echidna plus many kangaroos. 
Derrinal Pool and surrounds (36 53'44"  144 35'38") Australian Shelduck, Black-fronted & Red-kneed Dotterel, Great Egret, Grey Teal, Wood & Black Duck, Black-winged Stilt, Pelican, Darters (many) Silver Gull, Crested Tern, White-faced Heron, Black, Little Black & Little Pied Cormorant, White-breasted & Dusky Woodswallow, Welcome Swallow, Red-rumped Parrot, Magpie, Magpie-lark, Masked Lapwing, Little Corella, Richards Pipit, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, White-plumed Honeyeater, Galah, Black-shouldered Kite, Noisy Miner and around the house, New Holland Honeyeater.
Along the Derrinal Pool Road, the dry creek bed of Wild Duck Creek ( 36 54'40"  144 37' 21")added White-browed Scrubwrens & Red-browed Firetails foraging amongst the fallen timber. This creek fills when Lake Eppalock is somewhere near full, which it isn't at the moment.  The receding water is providing delicacies on the mudflats of Derrinal Pool.
 Also along the Derrinal Pool Road, at a dam west of Hookes Road, a large mixed flock (300- 400) of Long-billed Corellas, Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos & a few Galahs feeding on the seeding grasses and/or bathing and drinking from the dam.  As one, they took off with a deafening screech. A Wedge-tailed Eagle circling overhead had them going around in circles.  The Eagle thought it all a bore and flew off towards the lake.  Interestingly, the Wood Duck on the dam remained on the water, obviously feeling safer there then in the air.
Happy to provide further info to anyone interested. 
Something to read on this hot, humid day in Melbourne.  That is, if you're not interested in cricket or tennis.
Happy birding
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