Hi All, did a trip around the Lake Alexandrina and Murray Mouth areas
Tolderol was very disappointing in that the water was too deep in most
places for waders and we only found a few Sharpies and a Greenshank in one
suitably muddy channel. There were dozens of Caspian and Whiskered Terns and
a handful of Cresteds. Lots of both Spoonbills and other waterbirds but
nothing too exciting.
Milang had its usual run of White and Straw-necked Ibis, WF Herons, but we
couldn't see any Latham's Snipe which have been there recently - up to 41
reported in November.
Clayton swamp was a different story however with at least a dozen Latham's,
lots of Spotted and Baillons Crakes running around ( but no Spotless, which
is unusual), and a few Glossy Ibis. A range of usual ducks and grebes were
about, and there was one Black Falcon which is a bird always nice to see.
Round past Goolwa towards Beacon 19 there were both spoonbills, lots of
Red-necked Stints, one Curlew SP, Greenshanks, and one Great-crested Grebe -
a beauty, and two excellent Fairy Terns roosting on a spit.
At Goolwa Sewage Ponds there were again lots of Spotted and Baillions
Crakes, Shovelers by the truckload, Pink-eared Ducks, Hardheads, about six
Blue-billed Ducks, dozens of Grey Teal and a family of Chestnuts,
Black-fronted and Red-kneed Dotterels, Shelducks, about 52 species in all.
First time I've had a real birding day since September. Perhaps I'll get
back into it now !
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