hi Claire and folks,
Your website is very impressive! Just visited it and went through
a few pages. Gotta go back and look through more of the pages.
While at this, thought that it might be good to compile a list of
websites dedicated to birds of Australia. Some that I know, now,
including yours. Maybe, if we go through the email signatures of
this list, we could find more. (^^)
No commercial interests here, just looking at the pictures.
Birds of Perth: http://www.birdsofperth.com
Birding Southern Queensland: http://ats.com.au/~aviceda/
South Australia: http://www.riverland.net.au/~peterw/
Australian Pelagic: http://users.bigpond.net.au/palliser/
I am sure there will be more to add. There are some very good
digiscopers that I know of and have met from Australia. They are
members of the birds-pix list and
have contributed wonderful pictures to the list.
My 2-cents
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