I think it was Tim Dolby recommended to me recently
to check out the area behind Breamlea, south of Geelong in Vic. (38 17 28
S - 144 22 31 E). I did so twice recently and this area is in prime
condition for waterbirds and waders, with almost dry mud, wet mud, shallows and
deeper water and many reedy, protected areas - it is alive with birds! I
am not great on waders, so probably missed some, but definitely
Sharp-tailed, Curlew and Marsh Sandpipers, Common
Greenshank, Red-necked Stint - hundreds of birds in total.
Also Black-tailed Native Hen, Royal
and Yellow-billed Spoonbills, Black Swans with young,
Aust Shelduck, Grey & Chestnut Teal (100's),
Hardhead, Black Duck, Great Egret, Swamp Harrier, Little and
Whiskered Tern, White & Straw-necked Ibis, Pelican,
Aust & Hoary-headed Grebe, Black-winged Stilt, Red-necked
Avocet, Black-fronted Dotterel, White-necked and White-faced
Heron, Rufous Night Heron, Masked Lapwing, White-fronted
Recommended for a visit in the near future as it is
drying out. Heading East on Blackgate Road, about 4 kms off the
Geelong-Torquay Road is probably the easiest way to find it - large open wet
area on the left.
Bob Cook