Hi Phil,
I read your message after my previous reply.
I'm sure that you are aware that Bower-birds don't nest in their
Bowers, and that they are not a great guide to BBnests. Most of the
information re these readily accessible sites is available elsewhere. With
the greatest of respect to the bird-guides of FNQ, several of whom have
taught me many tricks of the trade, occassionally I get the impression that
they would prefer sites to remain secret within their fraternity for obvious
commercial reasons.
My feeling is that the more people can access interesting birds,
the more they will encourage their friends and so forth, and the more people
are involved the better for the cause of Conservation, and the more people
are likely to use guides for that matter.
Nonetheless I agree that sites like the Red Goshawk nest should
remain classified information, but what is to stop villains subscribing to
Birding-aus and requesting the information direct?
Is egg-collecting still a problem in Australia?
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