Dear all,
While reading the last works (Music Late at Night, Poems 1970-73) of the
greatest Australian poet, I came across the following, which I thought a
few people might enjoy:
Late-ripening dark-red apples drop
Out of the tawny-yellow trees.
The sunless day is damp and still.
Wet cobwebs in the trampled grass;
We tread the ferment at our feet.
The bins of autumn slowly fill.
Softly spacious hours pass:
Nothing settles, they entreat
Acceptance of a grateful fall.
A wattlebird with a gulping clop
Loudly says it disagrees;
No one heeds its noisy call.
- The Orchard, James Mcauley
Kiran Krishna
3rd yr physics
(Falkiner High Energy Physics)
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest
political end.
- Lord Acton
...Money is one of the greatest instruments of freedom ever invented by
- F.A. von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
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