Hello all,
Having just got around to reading Michael Hunter's 2 part report on his trip to
Iron Range, etc, I now have a couple of questions to pose to the audience.
Q1/ In Part 1, Michael said:
"At Iron Range we had magnificent ticks of ; ....................
White-browed Robin (now split from Buff-sided), ........."
Even Morcombe in his (controversial?) field guide does not suggest that this
species is under suspicion of being 'split'.
Is this the plan?
Has it really happened?
Are we talking about the race "cerviniventris"?
Q2/ In Part 1, Michael Said:
"At Iron Range we had magnificent ticks of ; .............. and
the golden-backed form of Red-browed
Finc, ....."
None of my field guides mention a 'golden-backed form of Red-browed Finch'. Is
this the race 'minor'?
Considering the recent postings on this race of the Red-browed Finch is there a
move under way to 'split' this species?
Q3/ In Part 2, Michael said:
"Near Chili Beach, named by the American troops stationed at Iron Range in
WW II, we SPOTTED WHISTLING-DUCKS in a primeval swamp. Three of them swam
silently to hide behind one of many fallen trees and were then invisible
there from all possible vantage-points. Had we not seen them during that
initial half minute or so the assumption would have been that they weren't
there The views we had were excellent."
This species seems to be quite common on Cape York.
What is its official Australian status these days?
In Part 1 Michael said:
"After being blindfolded and driven in circles for an hour, laden
with bins and scopes, we thought we might meet bin Laden himself, our
destination was a site for sore eyes at the secret Red Goshawk nest, with
large fledgling and both parents giving perfect views on sequential days."
Well.... that narrows it down a fair bit.
There should be a well defined track to the Red Goshawk nest sight by now with
all these people visiting the area.
I wonder if everyone in the group was searched for GPS units??
Bob Inglis
Woody Point
SE Qld.
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