g'day all,
A group of birdwatchers led by Clive Meadows of the NSW Field
Ornithologists Club are staying at the Moondarra Caravan Park. They are
just completing a tour operated by Mark Wardrop's Outback Track Tours.
During yesterday's lunch break Adrian O'Neill (also
FOC) and Clive went for a walk along the West Leichhardt River. Within 200
metres Adrian spotted a single male Painted Snipe. The good chaps returned
to the park and told the rest of us. Delaying the afternoon trip to
Mica Ck we followed Clive and Adrian to where within minutes the bird
was flushed several times to a location where we all got views of it with my
'scope feeding at the edge of a pool.
Last year on the western shores of the lake I saw the PS 3
times (the first with a BOCA tagalong group) ... and the last date being
Later on in the day Dusky Grasswrens (Hortons' Ballara
Grasswren) were sighted by 2 of the party.
The previous day at the Sewage Ponds we saw
some irregular visitors to the Isa...
... a pair of Black-tailed Native-hens
... several Great (black) Cormorants
At the lake in spite of a big fishing competition we saw
Wandering Whistling-duck, Plumed Whistling-duck, Green Pygmy-goose,
Jacana's, 3 species of Ibis and the 4 inland species of Egrets
.. The recent rains stopped us getting to the western shores of the lake
where there are numbers of Jabiru, Bustards, Black Swans plus various resting
Regards, Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW