G'day Birdos,
Because of rain I will not go out to my mallee
block 'til next week, my observations of Red-lored Whistlers is, I always find
them in mallee with Spinifex ( Triodia irritans) under-storey,(and
also Beyeria leschenaultii) and usually Striated Grasswrens are not far
away, whereas Gilberts Whistlers are found in all types of vegetation and over a
much greater area, in fact recently I have spent some time on the floodplains of
The Murray and Gilberts were quite common.Their calls are similar but when I
hear a Red-lored it has that "special note" but I usually have a look to be
I don't usually use playback but when I do some
Black-eared Miner searches for the Black-eared Miner Recovery Group I have found
that Gilberts often respond to the Miner tape, I have never attracted a
Red-lored even though a lot of time is spent in "their areas", which of course
is prime BEM territory.
I do a lot of recording bird calls and I must admit
that a couple of times I have recorded Red-lored and played back to them and
they respond very well.
So, Michael, I hope this info will help with your
Doug Holly