I hope you can tell me a bit more about this bird,
i found it in my fully locked up house, so no idear how it got in but, this bird
was about 10cm in length, it had a black beak, 1 1/2 cm a gray head its back was
a greeny pecock colour and black feet and the hole chest was white with a
zebra like bronze colour across it's chest, it was beutifull,
was it a rear bird?,
and is it unusual to have seen one in
Queensland on the sunshine coast?
p.s. it recooped in a shoe box for a hour and i had
given it some water with my nails and in half a hour it flew a
it was so quiet i didn't even hear the
wings, so think it mite be a Honeyeater,green backed :- Glycichaera Fallax am
i right ?
love to her from you
Sanja Armstrong
Ric & Sanja Armstrong Email: