Gooday all,
With all this talk of Crested Pigeons Ocyphaps lophotes,
which Bowen folk quite commonly refer to as "Topknots", reminded me of an
incident that occurred years ago.
My wife, daughter and I used to care for injured and orphaned
birds. One morning an elderly gent appeared at our door with a very young near
naked pigeon chick that he had found. The state the bird was in didn't appear to
give it very good odds for survival, but we still took it in our
As it turned out the young chick survived the ordeal and
eventually was released at Mullers Lagoon a number of months later minus its
The young bird sported a nice little crest until one day the
daughter (5 or so) decided to try out her hairdressing skills and snipped the
crest off with a pair of scissors.
Jon Wren.