g'day all,
The message I posted re Edward Lear could not be received by
some readers because of a perceived attachment.
It contained verse that I copied from a web page and pasted to
my message.
I think the text may have been in the form of a
"picture" of the text which some software and ISP's process as an
I know my neighbour cannot receive "animated art" or
photo's except as an attachment.
I do not believe I had a virus. I check Norton antivirus
updates twice each week and in fact had updated just
before posting the message.
The posting that came back to me from Birding-Aus had no
attachment paperclip indicator.
I use Windows 98SE, Internet Express and set to Rich Text
I wish to thank the correspondents who kindly advised me of
the problem.
I have also received a number of encouraging
compliments re the Birding URL's.
One was " Thank you, thank you, thank
you. Your list of birding operators is the best thing since sliced bread
! "
Well as the man in the TV advert said "wait, there is more !
Regards, Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW Qld.
ps This afternoon's update from Norton was the biggest I have
ever received !