April 13th
Dipped out on Keith's Turquoise Parrot but nearby
had great views of a pair of Rock Warblers only about 2 metres from
the our car.
We were originally going to cross Wiseman's Ferry
but estimated we would have to wait half an hour or more, the line of cars
waiting to cross was several hundred metres long, and Webs Creek Ferry was not
much better. So we headed back Richmond.
Around the Windsor area we counted 9 Yellow-billed
Spoonbills at 4 different sites, largest
numbers I have seen in Sydney area. A Diamond Dove was sighted on the back lanes
of Richmond, feeding on the road with more than a dozen Spotted Turtle-doves,
escapee? Almost ran over 2 Brown Quails, 51 White-faced Herons in one
paddock, and large numbers of Straw-necked Ibis during the day.
At Magraths Hill the Male Musk Duck was still
present along with Pink-eared Ducks and Australian Shovellers. One Male Crested
Shrike-tit or is that Eastern Shrike-tit, attacking his reflection in the side
mirror of a truck. He was so occupied that we could approach within a couple of
metres. My first record of this species a Magraths.
101 species for the day and most of these were
sighted from the car and we were taking it leisurely.
Darryl McKay